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the social
The Social hip hop kareoke
Hip Hop Karaoke the social

The Social

The Social in London’s West End was established way back in the 1999 by Heavenly Records company and has been offering great bar and club experiences for the trendy and in the know ever since.

The Social’s manifesto is quite simple – “to provide great music and better booze to anyone who fancied tripping through the doors” And they’ve stayed true to their words, as the bar and the underground nightclub are now award winning London institutions.

“London’s like a jungle sometimes but nights like this will keep you from going under!” – TimeOut

Most visitors have their favourite club nights as the social and there are many to choose from.  The basement club space hosts some of the most established and lively parties in London. Club events such as ‘The Heatwave’ on Wednesdays, ‘Hip Hop Karaoke’ on Thursdays, and now a rebirth of their seminal Heavenly Social club night on Fridays. Whatever the club night, you’ll always find a savvy, urban scene.

Upstairs is a funky bar and nightlife hub providing chill our areas buy night and working booths by day, six days a week. The bar is perfect for after work drinks or if you fancy, some square pies and mash. It’s not uncommon to find well dressed media types just hanging out in the centre mingle area, with fashionistas and those who come to enjoy a private natter in super relaxing comfy leather chairs and atmosphere of the bar.

iclublondon (hearts) The Social

The team at iclublondon loves this spot, and our favourite night has to be the hip hop karaoke on Thursday nights. At least once in your life rehearse the lyrics to your favourite hip hop tune, jump up on stage and rap like your in the shower and nobody’s at home. It’s an experience you’ll never forget (unless you’re drunk) and the crowd are always warm and friendly.

Venue Information

Venue Type



Hip Hop, Urban Sounds

Entry Price


Guestlist Time


Opening Hours

6pm - 1am


The Social, Little Portland Street, London, United Kingdom

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