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Dstrkt London Closes Down – For Good?

The Notorious London nightclub Dstrkt has set to close its doors amid reports of a brawl involving a group of Albanians and, a knife attack.

It’s official, according to management of Dstrkt, the nightclub which has graced Rupert Street for almost 10 years has closed it’s doors until further notice.

Dstrkt hasn’t been without it’s troubles, having previously been in a race row but this one appears to be terminal.

Based on reports in the news, the club has lost it’s license due to uncontrollable violence which slipped through it’s doors onto the streets of London in the early hours. From video taken of the incident it appears that a group of men were involved in a brawl which started in Dstrkt and ended up in Leicester Square. From recent tweets it appears the men were of albanian descent, however this has yet to be confirmed.

What can be confirmed is that at least one of the men had a knife and stabbed a number of people are part of the brawling.

In a post from a member of the dstrkt management team, he thanked all his follows and informed everyone that an era had ended, and that the doors of Dstrkt would be closed until further notice.

iclublondon posted a poll on twitter to gauge how people really felt about the club shutting up shop. We’ve seen a massive outcry for club Fabric when a person fell victim to drug abuse within the club. This outcry subsequently saved the club and it is still open today. So, what do people think?

Doesn’t look too good does it! We doubt there will be much public support to bring this one back. So it appears another nightclub had bitten the dust, another loss for London’s nightlife scene which has been in slow decline of recent years. Let’s hope another more open and friendly club opens in its place.



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